New VNG Seminar

New VNG Seminar:
Introduction to the Administration & Interpretation of VNG Tests
Hands on VNG technique training and intro to report interpretation
Please join us in Phoenix/Mesa, AZ -- the next LIVE event is SATURDAY MARCH 23, 2024
I am pleased to announce a live VNG Seminar co-sponsored by Secure Health, Inc. and A.T. Still University featuring Difra Instrumentation VNG technology. Dr. Troy D. Hale, Assistant Professor, A.T. Still University and Secure Health worked together for three years, leading up to the first VNG training seminar in 2019. The course title is "Introduction to the Administration and Interpretation of VNG Tests."
Dr. Hale assists Secure Health's clients with report over-reads, testing techniques and answering questions for various conditions that are encountered. This VNG training opportunity is for those interested in expanding their knowledge and expertise for vestibular testing, diagnostics, and treatment. The VNG training seminar is an introduction to VNG report interpretation and hands-on VNG technique training featuring Difra Instrumentation.
We are hosting a class size of approximately 30 - 35 to make it a more intimate learning environment. Difra VNG equipment and caloric irrigators will be available for hands-on demonstrations. We will also have our Better Balance Analyzer balance assessment platform available for demonstrating vestibular assessment and basic vestibular rehab therapy exercises. Plus, we will discuss how you can attract more patients in need of vestibular diagnostics.
You are invited to participate in our new VNG Seminar and we look forward to meeting you there.
Daniel B. Scherer
CEO, Secure Health, Inc.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the inaugural VNG Training class on September 21, 2019 and the October 8, 2022 and March 25, 2023 events
Saturday, March 23, 2024 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
A.T. Still University
5850 E Still Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206
Room: Cougar, third floor of the main building
Phone: 260-804-4041
Seminar Focus:
Introduction to VNG report interpretation and hands-on VNG technique training
Co-Sponsored by:
A.T. Still University, Mesa, AZ and Secure Health, Inc., Fort Wayne, IN
Presented by:
Troy D Hale, AuD
Doctor of Audiology, Associate Professor
Department of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology
Arizona School of Health Sciences, A.T. Still University
Faculty, Barrow Neurological Institute
Olivier Dirix, Difra Instrumentation SA
Course Title:
Introduction to the Administration and Interpretation of VNG Tests
Who should attend:
MD's, ENT's and Otolaryngologists, Neurologists, DO's, Audiologists, geriatric specialists, other physicians, physical therapists / PT's, occupational therapists / OT's, technicians, nurses, support staff, health care professionals and administrators, and others involved in related health care fields
Per person: $499 each for the first person to register per clinic/organization.
Group rates: Additional registrations from the same clinic/organization are just $250 per person.
What is included for all registered live event attendees?
--Course information and handouts
--Identify risk factors for vestibular disorders
--Demonstration of balance assessment and the importance of integrating balance screenings
--Hands-on VNG training with VNG diagnostic equipment* manufactured by Difra Instrumentation
--Introduction to VNG interpretive reports*: how to recognize a normal report, recognize and avoid common errors and artifacts in VNG, recognize positional vertigo (BBPV)
--Demonstration of oculomotor, positional and calorics testing
--Overview of Vestibular Rehab Therapy (VRT)
--Billing and coding for vestibular testing
--Patient and Business Development
--Open forum regarding vestibular and balance disorders
-- A light breakfast of coffee, water and assorted muffins and pastries. A lunch of assorted deli-style sandwiches and wraps, salad, chips, assorted desserts and water
--Certificate of completion
--Please inquire about CEU's
*Note: VNG equipment is manufactured by Difra Instrumentation
Thank you to everyone who participated in the inaugural VNG Training Seminar, which took place on September 21, 2019 as well as the October 8, 2022 and March 25, 2023 events at the ATSU campus in Mesa, Arizona.
REGISTER ONLINE: Class size is limited. We accept pre-registrations for the March 23, 2024 event.
Please email us at [email protected] for pricing information, syllabus and other information. You can also call 260.418.6835.