Video Frenzel
A Complement to your Balance Program
Comfort, quality, and flexibility are key features of VideoStar™ video Frenzel goggles manufactured by Difra Instrumentation. They are available with monocular or binocular video cameras. VideoStar™ video Frenzel goggles allow the technician to record a video file of eye movements for a reference point during and post-therapy, including Canalith repositioning procedures. Video Frenzels provide far better capabilities for more positive vestibular rehab outcomes.
Another important feature not found on most competitive products: with VideoStar™ Frenzels, you can record and project the image of the patient's movements onto a wall-mounted monitor or on the laptop in real-time, for improved patient treatment.
VideoStar™ Frenzels also include audio recording so the technician can see and hear the commands and review the session at a later time. As with basic Frenzel goggles, video Frenzel goggles do not produce a report of any kind, only video files of the patient encounter.
Secure Health, Inc. offers a series of premium diagnostic equipment, including VNG videonystagmography testing equipment, designed for an accurate diagnosis. We also provide proven treatment programs and an effective patient education program.
--Used as a balance assessment and vestibular rehabilitation tool
--Optical magnifying glasses with lighting
--One-camera (monocular) or two-camera (binocular) configurations
--Record a video file of eye movements, but do not produce a report of any kind
--VideoStar™ Frenzel goggles offer exclusive feature with video recording projected onto a monitor or laptop
A New Step in Observing Eye Movements
Secure Health, Inc. offers Difra VideoStar video frenzel goggles, which are ideal for observing eye movement and recording video during Canalith Repositioning maneuvers for BBPV therapy. Video recorded eye movements are also used for teaching, patient education and in medical-legal cases.
With the ultra-light goggle, the VideoStar frenzel goggle is one of the most comfortable systems on the market
Using a high quality infra-red camera, the VideoStar frenzel requires only one infra-red LED to illuminate the eyeball
For monocular frenzels, the camera can be placed on the right or left side with magnets
--Real time rendering: the only product on the market with this feature
--Voice prompts
--Audio recording of the patient encounter
--Playback options such as frame by frame or slow motion
--Default and/or user defined protocols
--Windows 10 -- most current operating system
VideoStar™ Frenzel goggles are manufactured by Difra Instrumentation. Difra is a leading global manufacturer of diagnostic balance technology for more than 48 years.
Safety Standards:
IEC 60601-1-1 Patient Safety Standard
IEC 60601-1-2 Electromagnetic compatibility
Secure Health, Inc. is the exclusive US agent for Difra Instrumentation, a world's leading manufacturer of diagnostic balance disorder technology for more than 48 years.