Basic HeadStar E-Z VNG
Standard VNG Package: Camera, Goggles, Laptop Computer and 24" monitor
Monocular: One Camera, Two Channel
STANDARD VNG PACKAGE: Basic HeadStar E-Z VNG is a streamlined, cost-effective videonystagmography VNG device with full vestibular testing capabilities. HeadStar EZ-VNG is available as a standard package including monocular camera / goggles, laptop computer and 24" monitor. Online training is included. Caloric irrigator and balance assessment platform are available as optional add-ons (refer to the complete EZ-VNG package below). HeadStar E-Z VNG is manufactured by Difra Instrumentation, a global leader of diagnostic vestibular and balance technology for more than 48 years.
Ask about finance programs. To get started, complete the short/simple lease application and send it directly to the lender for a generally quick response.
Objectively assess:
--Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BBPV)
--Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) -- NysStar binocular VNG is recommended
--Central Nervous System Injuries (CNS) / Central Lesions
--Other peripheral vestibular dysfunctions
--Peripheral vestibular function
Basic HeadStar E-Z VNG testing capabilities include:
-TESTS: Random Saccades; Smooth Pursuits; OPK (Optokinetics) Horizontal; AHR Active Head Rotation - Horizontal / Vertical; Spontaneous Nystagmus, Gaze - Up, Down, Right, Left; Dix-Hallpike - Left / Right; Body Positioning - Supine, Left, Right; and Calorics - Warm Right, Warm Left, Cool Right, Cool Left
Note: OPK (Optokinetics) Vertical are only available with full featured monocular HeadStar and binocular NysStar VNG devices
Overview of Basic HeadStar E-Z VNG
Monocular: One Camera, Two Channel
-Full battery of VNG tests
-HeadStar high definition monocular camera goggle assembly (one camera, two channel)
-Active head rotation (AHR)
-Eye automatic centering
-Device autodetection
-50 Hz tracking speed (200 Hz tracking upgrade available - full featured NysStar binocular VNG only)
-Laptop computer - 15.6"
-Windows 10 compatible (most current version of Windows)
-User-intuitive easy software
-24" monitor
-USB 2.0 digital camera resolution: 640 X 480 pixels
-Camera moves easily to either eye
-Automatic results analysis
-EMR integration with PDF conversion and export
-Removable eye cover for vision-denied recording
-Goggle is designed with a bridge hinge to fit a broader range of head shapes/sizes
-Goggle pads provide a more comfortable fit
-Sound indication for test progress
-Online training
-Remote access technical support
-HeadStar E-Z VNG is not able to analyze, edit and modify tests (only available with full featured monocular HeadStar or binocular NysStar VNG)
-HeadStar E-Z VNG does not include database, unlimited test sequences or customizable reports (only available with full featured monocular HeadStar or binocular NysStar VNG)
- Billable under codes: 92540, 92543 (4 units) and 92546. Refer to our billing and coding page for optional codes.
• Manufactured by Difra Instrumentation -- Difra is a leading global manufacturer of diagnostic balance technology for more than 48 years.

Basic HeadStar E-Z VNG
Complete VNG Package: Camera / Goggles, Laptop Computer, 24" monitor, balance assessment platform and air caloric irrigator
Monocular -- One Camera, Two Channel
COMPLETE VNG PACKAGE: Basic HeadStar E-Z VNG is a streamlined videonystagmography VNG device with full vestibular testing capabilities. HeadStar EZ-VNG is available as a standard package including high definition monocular camera / goggles, laptop computer and 24" monitor. Online training is included. PLUS, the complete package includes the Difra air caloric irrigator AND Better Balance™ balance assessment platform. HeadStar E-Z VNG is manufactured by Difra Instrumentation, a global leader of diagnostic vestibular and balance technology for more than 48 years.
Ask about finance programs with 90 days of deferred payments and competitive rates -- for a limited time only. To get started, complete the short/simple lease application and send it directly to the lender for a generally quick response.
PLUS, the HeadStar E-Z VNG complete package includes all of the above, plus the balance platform and AirStar caloric irrigator:
-Better Balance™ assessment platform
-Difra Airstar caloric irrigator
November, 2017
Which is best for my application, VNG Monocular (one camera, two channel) or VNG Binocular (two camera, four channel)?
The primary advantage to binocular recording rather than monocular is that with monocular you can often overlook disconjugate eye movements (i.e., when the eyes are not moving synchronously together).
This would be most common with paralyses of one or more of the extraocular eye muscles or with lesions affecting the medial longitudinal fasiculus which is the major pathway that pairs the eyes together for versional horizontal deviations. Often times you may also have one eye that captures or records poorer than the other such as with individuals who have had prior eye surgeries in which case having dual recording is also more beneficial.
--Troy D. Hale, Au.D, FAAA
--Doctor of Audiology, Asst. Professor ATSU
Secure Health, Inc. is the exclusive US agent for Difra Instrumentation, a world's leading manufacturer of diagnostic balance disorder technology for more than 48 years.
Contact Secure Health, Inc. to request more information, a product quote or to place an order.